Convocatoria Residencias 2019 en C3P, Open Call - C3P Artist Residencies 2019
Convocatoria (See Below for English):
Este año C3P abre convocatoria para 3 becas internacionales y 2 becas nacionales de residencia en Medellín con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y el Arts Collaboratory. Convocamos a artistas, investigadores, creadores, pedagogos y activistas de Colombia y el mundo para pensar juntos cómo podemos contribuir al bienestar de las poblaciones que están siendo afectadas por la injusticia social. Buscamos proyectos que estimulen conversaciones sobre la realidad cultural, social y política de la región, así como acciones que procuren transformarla.
Para participar envíe su portafolio de obras, textos o investigaciones, su hoja de vida y un texto de no más de 1000 palabras donde explique su interés en realizar una residencia de 30 días en Casa Tres Patios y cómo su propuesta se alinea con nuestros intereses. Envíe los documentos a antes del 22 de abril de 2019.
Las residencias se realizarán entre junio y noviembre de 2019 y tienen una duración de 30 días.*
3 Becas Residencias Internacionales
Alojamiento en C3P: $2'100.000
Manutención: $1'950.000
Tiquetes: hasta $2'950.000
Total: hasta $7'000.000
2 Becas Residencias Nacionales
Alojamiento en C3P: $2'100.000
Manutención: $1'950.000
Tiquetes: hasta $400.000
Total: hasta $4’450.000
Fecha de cierre: 22 de abril de 2019
Selección de los ganadores: 22 al 30 de abril de 2019
Notificación de resultados: 1 de mayo de 2019
*El cumplimiento de estas fechas está sujeto al cronograma de contratación del Ministerio de Cultura
Open Call Artist Residencies (English)
Casa Tres Patios is a contemporary art center whose mission is to promote social justice through art and education. We do this in various ways: we create social awareness by bringing attention to the issues that affect different segments of the population. We facilitate agency processes in communities that have been victimized by some form of social injustice, with the aim of inspiring solutions in them to overcome the situations that affect them. We support local, national and international artists in the development of their artistic and social practice.
C3P is launching an open call for proposals for 3 international and 2 national grants for a residence in Medellín with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts Collaboratory. We encourage artists, researchers, creators, educators and activists from Colombia and the world to come and think together how we can contribute to the well-being of communities that find themselves in social injustice. We look for projects that stimulate conversations about the cultural, social and political reality of the region, as well as actions that seek to transform it.
Participants must send their portfolio of work, texts or research papers, their resume and a short essay of no more than 1000 words that explains their interest in a one-month residence at Casa Tres Patios, and how their proposal aligns with our interests. Please send the documents to before April 22, 2019.
The residencies will take place between June and November 2019.*
The residencies will be for a period of 30 days.
Grants for international residents (3)
Accommodation in C3P: $2'100.000 COP (aprox. 660 USD)
Allowances: $1'950.000 COP (aprox. 610 USD)
Round-trip ticket: up to $2'950.000 COP (aprox 920 USD)
Total: up to $7'000.000 COP (aprox 2200 USD)
Grants for national residents (3)
Accommodation in C3P: $2'100.000 COP (aprox. 660 USD)
Allowances: $1'950.000 COP (aprox. 610 USD)
Round-trip ticket: up to $400.000 COP (aprox. 125 USD)
Total: up to $4’450.000 COP (aprox. 1395 USD)
Deadline: April 22, 2019
Selection process: April 22 - 30, 2019
Announcement of winners: May 1, 2019
* The dates available for the residencies are subject to the signing of the contract with the Ministry of Culture.